Spatial Design: Breaking the 2D Paradigm
A beginner’s guide to spatial design, drawing on insights from 38 industry leaders to uncover lasting ten principles and patterns in spatial design.
About the Book
This book navigates the transition from 2D interfaces to immersive spatial design, distilling insights from 38 industry leaders into principles for creating engaging 3D spaces that blend virtual and physical realities.
It's an essential guide for designers looking to enter the spatial computing field.
Upcoming Events
May 5 - Spatial Design Workshop
June 19 - AWE 2024 Talk + Book Signing
TBD - Workbook Workshop
What’s Inside?
Here’s a glimpse of the book’s content.
10 Spatial Design Principles:
Guidelines for the "why," "what," and "how" of each design principle serve as a building block foundation.
20+ App Analyses:
Assessments of a variety of spatial apps that showcase how to incorporate spatial design principles successfully.
30+ Industry Leaders’ Advice:
Insights on how to break into the industry and create a successful experience in spatial design.
40+ Image Examples:
Snapshots from apps to complement the analyses.
50+ Illustrations:
Recreations of example scenes to reinforce the case studies.
Designer Role Evolution:
Expands on the paradigm shift from specialized duties to holistic approaches and from niche experts to versatile generalists.
Helping You Navigate the Spatial Industry
Skill Gap? Identify and learn the necessary skills.
Design Tips? Extensive use case studies of 10 design principles.
Choosing Tools? Discover the right pipeline.
Career Advice? Gather insight from spatial design leaders.
About the Author
Dominique Wu is a seasoned professional in spatial design, specializing in crafting user-centered spatial interfaces, along with conducting thorough user research and testing within 3D environments. Her expertise has led her to consult for prominent corporations like Meta and Walmart (Store 8). Beyond consulting, Dominique is the driving force behind Hummingbirdsday Design Studio and XReality Pro, delivering innovative spatial design solutions across a broad range of sectors.
Driven by her enthusiasm for unlocking the vast potential of spatial design and encouraging others to leverage this technology, Dominique regularly shares her insights at prestigious conferences such as AWE and various academic institutions. Beyond participating in these events, she organizes weekly virtual meetings that feature spatial design industry leaders, offering participants valuable knowledge, the opportunity to ask questions and networking prospects.
Book Reviews
Enhance Your Learning with the Spatial Design Workbook
This workbook goes beyond theoretical knowledge, offering practical tasks, hands-on challenges, and comprehensive checklists designed to inspire innovation and enhance user experience in your creations.
Special Thanks
Inga Petryaevskaya - Foreword
Founder & CEO of ShapesXR
Inga Petryaevskaya is the Founder & CEO of ShapesXR. As a leader and product owner driving a remote XR team, she is very passionate about building a product with a delightful user experience that will allow all stakeholders with no 3D skills to start thinking and designing spatially together.
Lily Pham - Illustrator
Digital Marketing Strategist
Lily Pham is a Digital Marketing Strategist who strives to help brands flourish. With a background in Business Management and Fashion Merchandising, she understands the balance between analytical and creative strategies.
Featured Industry Leaders
Thank you to all the industry leaders who are making waves in the spatial computing era for contributing their time to offer their wisdom on entering the industry.
Alan Smithson
Alex Fernandez
Co-Founder of
Co-Founder of
Nspire Create Labs
Amir Bozorgzadeh
Amy LaMeyer
CEO of Virtuleap
Managing Partner at
the WXR Fund
Antony Vitillo
Ben Erwin
Creator of
The Poly Awards
Cecilia Uhr
Charlie Fink
Co-Founder of Bezi
Columnist at Forbes
Chayan Vinayak
Chris Castaldi
Founder of Takdhin-Tv
Technical Director at 3lbXR
Chris McNally
Damon Hernandez
Co-Founder of iMcNally
CEO of Mixx Reality
David Colleen
Deirdre V. Lyons
CEO of SapientX
Co-Founder of
Ferryman Collective
Dirk Schmidt
Estella Tse
CEO of BizzTech
XR Creative Director
& Artist
Ferhan Özkan
Frank Shi
Co-Founder of
XR Bootcamp
Co-Founder of
Paper Triangles
Gigi Johnson
Inga Petryaevskaya
President of Rethink Next
Founder & CEO of ShapesXR
Jason Marsh
Jason Shuster
Jim Conrad
John Hanacek
Sr. Designer at Mozilla
XR Interaction Designer
at Nanome
Julie Smithson
Karen Stritzinger
Co-Founder of
Founder of
Old Hara Studios
Kyle Morrand
Lee Vermeulen
CEO of 302 Interactive
Founder of Alientrap
Lorelle VanFossen
Ori Inbar
Paul Hoover
Rahel Demant
Head of Design at ShapesXR
Co-Founder of
XR Bootcamp
Robin Moulder
Ruth Diaz
CEO of 3lbXR
Co-Founder & CVO of inPath XR
Sam Hessenauer
Susan Cummings
Sr. Director of XR &
Spatial Computing at Deutsche Telekom
VR Developer of Cubism
& Laser Dance
Co-Founder & COO of BizzTech
CEO of Flow Immersive
Co-Founder & CEO of AWE, Founder of Super Ventures
Co-Founder & Director of Educators in VR
CEO & Co-Founder of
Tiny Rebel Games/Petaverse
Co-Founder & CTO of Nanome
Thomas Van Bouwel
Terry xR. Schussler